Content marketing

Technical content marketing for software companies

Technical content marketing for software companies
Reel Unlimited

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5 min read
Technical content marketing for software companies
tech businesses + technical level + drive traffic + drive growth

Technical content marketing can be a powerful tool for software companies to attract and retain customers, establish thought leadership, and drive demand for their products and services.

But software companies have distinct target audiences. Often, the products they create aren't meant for the public since they are specialized tools for programmers and experts.

So, how can software companies create a technical content marketing strategy around their audience persona? By creating tailored content that caters to their particular needs, written in precise language.

Find out why and how to develop technical content marketing strategies with the assistance of a technical writer.

What is technical content marketing?

First, let's define content marketing. The Content Marketing Institute defines content as “a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience—and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.” In other words, creating content that promotes the actions of a particular group of people about a product.

Technical content writing has the same purpose but is even more granular. Technical content writing is a subtype explicitly aimed at technical audiences with practical objectives in mind.

Since it addresses technical subjects using the specific language the target audience uses, it requires more attention to detail. It must be able to hold up under the scrutiny of the intended audience.

Often, the technical content creator is someone who would fit the target audience persona since they would share common knowledge and jargon.

If the creator's vocabulary or logic doesn't hold weight, the content will have no value to the audience.

Technical content must demonstrate the following:

  • In-depth understanding of the product/service.
  • What it does and what it is used for.
  • Who the audience is and how they speak.
  • The function of the content itself within the existing body of knowledge related to the product.

Credibility and the company's image will be affected if these are not demonstrated. In a word, technical content establishes subject authority.

Technical content writing examples

What types of technical content writing are most often created by technology companies?

This will depend on the product life cycle and dictate how the audience should be informed. Are they finding out about it for the first time, or are they on the fence about acquiring it? Do they already use it and need to learn all of its capabilities?

Here are some common technical content examples:

  • Case studies describe how the product works in real-life situations.
  • White papers and manuals.
  • Infographics, diagrams, or other visual content formats help explain the product or workflow better.
  • Documentation such as manuals, guides, or any other type of content that expands on the features and specifications of the product and service for hands-on usage.
  • Tutorials for those already signed up and who want to make the most of it.
  • FAQs and troubleshooting content addressing specific issues involving the product.
  • Quick tips and tricks on social media.
  • Thought leadership blog posts on the company's site and social media.

Technical content marketing goes beyond the general premise of “what the product is and why they'll benefit from it” to “how to use and make the most of it” in detail.

Creating a technical content marketing strategy as a software company

Before diving in, we must know the main difference between a technical and regular content marketing strategy—the audience.

During the content creation stage, the writer must be deeply aware of the following:

  • What specific pains does the audience have that the content solves?
  • How do they relate to the product?
  • Which level of technical language should be used?
  • How does this content align with the company's primary goal?

Since content must be tailored to the target audience's goals, knowing who your audience is will be step one of our guide.

The step-by-step guide

  • Define your target audience: Identifying who you are trying to reach with your content is critical for creating compelling content. Consider the needs and challenges of your target audience and their level of technical expertise.
  • Identify your content goals: What do you want to achieve? Improve brand loyalty, generate leads, or establish thought leadership in your industry? Set specific, measurable goals to focus your efforts and track progress.
  • Develop a content calendar: plan and organize your content efforts over time, including the topics you will cover and the frequency with which you publish new content.
  • Create high-quality content: Your technical content must be accurate, informative, and engaging to be effective. Consider working with subject-matter experts or hiring freelance writers with technical expertise to help create and review your content.
  • Promote your content: Once you have created your content, promoting it to your target audience is essential. This can include sharing your content on social media, promoting it through paid advertising, or distributing it through your email marketing efforts.
  • Analyze and optimize your content: Use analytics tools to track the performance of your content and identify what is working well and what may need improvement. Then, use this data to refine and optimize your content marketing strategy.

Following these steps, you can create a successful digital marketing strategy based on technical content that helps your software company attract and retain customers and establish thought leadership in your industry.

Hiring a technical content writer

Technical writing is critical because it helps ensure that complex information is presented in a way that users and other stakeholders easily understand. A technical writer is a professional writer who creates technical documentation for various audiences. This documentation includes user manuals, online help guides, and technical reports.

Technical writers work with subject-matter experts to gather information about a product or process, then use that information to create clear and concise documents that are easy for readers to understand.

They can act as ghostwriters for subject-matter experts, experts first and writers second. Being writers first, technical writers will take care of the technical writing issues: SEO, structuring, formatting, clarity, etc., allowing experts to focus on their professional priorities.

Where to hire technical writers

Now that your content strategy is ready, it's time to create content. But if technology solutions imply technology professionals, marketing tech implies technical content marketing professionals. Many startup leaders don't have the time to write a technical content creator job description to post on a job board, let alone a full document describing their product's ins and outs.

In-house hiring is sometimes the best option. For example, would you consider hiring a technical writer in-house if you have an extensive technical writing project or ongoing needs? This can give you more control over the writing process and allow better collaboration with your team.

Another solution is to hire a freelancer or an agency that provides technical writing services. These agencies often have a team of writers with expertise in various technical fields and can offer a range of services, including user manuals, software documentation, and more.

When hiring a technical writer, clearly communicate your project requirements and expectations, and consider factors such as the writer's experience and expertise, writing style, and availability.

Also, assign a subject-matter expert on your team to help create and review the content created by the technical writer. If they are recognized experts in their field, they should at least co-author the content and have their byline since it adds authority and credibility to the information for users and search engines.

A real solution for technical content marketing needs

We recommend yet another solution to sidestep training in content marketing for developers, with a fully dedicated content specialist team for your technical marketing needs.

Reel Unlimited provides tech content creation to startups and small businesses that need more time or personnel to write content with less budget to add a technical content creator's salary to their expenses. If you're unsatisfied for whatever reason, Reel Unlimited offers a 7-day money-back guarantee. For unlimited technical content marketing (+ all the revisions you need), visit Reel Unlimited today

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